How to make a face mask
During these unusual times we are all doing what we can to protect ourselves and support our community..With this in mind, TLC is donating materials for Islanders to make their own face masks whilst also supporting some local causes that are helping the most vulnerable through these difficult times.Available on our website for a minimum donation of £5.100% of this donation will go toBeresford Street Kitchen & The Salvation Armywho are working hard to feed those in need at this time.
You may have already seen local paediatric consultant Dr David Lawrenson sharing this research and urging us all to wear masks when we (however rarely) head out of our homes to the supermarket or to walk the dog, adding to the global movement of #Masks4All..COVID-19 is spread through droplets when we breath, talk, sneeze or cough. Face masks protect our droplets reaching others or the droplets of others reaching us.Emerging research is showing that face masks have a dramatic impact on slowing the spread of the virus and countries that have made it compulsory to wear masks (homemade or otherwise) when in public have the evidence to support this..Whilst medical grade masks are the most efficient, the evidence shows that simple homemade masks are also extremely effect. The medical grade N95 masks are in short supply globally and need to be reserved where possible for health care professionals and essential workers. Therefore, we can make our own very effective face masks with just a few simple items, whilst supporting local causes too! Make masks for yourself, your family or even friends!#Masks4All